5 reasons not to use digital checklists in shipping

We have compiled a list of reasons for not using checklists, enjoy!

Top 5 Reasons

  • I already know what to do, I don’t need a checklist to tell me what I already know;
  • I don’t have time to do it and it doesn’t make sense to me to spend time on something telling me what i already know;
  • It’s for beginners and makes experienced people stupid;
  • I have to actually do the checklist now? That’s not what I’m here for;
  • Last time I didn’t do my checklist nothing happened.

If this is not enough for you, here are some bonus reasons for not using checklist:

Bonus Reasons

  • No longer will I be able to say I did it when I’m in a hurry just to satisfy the bureaucrats;
  • I can’t use a digital checklist to put my coffee mug on and that’s all a checklist is good for in my opinion;
  • I know this operation so why should I have a checklist telling me what to do;
  • I made it this far without using our checklists so why do we even invest in digitalizing them?
  • I do this everyday so I know what I’m doing;
  • I have done this for years without using the checklist and nothing has ever happened to me;
  • I have to hurry so that we depart on time, now I can’t say I did it like I always did before.

So please, go out there and continue not using the checklists or trying to improve them. As we all know they are only there for compliance and the best thing to do is shoot from the hip, every time. Or use checklists as coasters!

But before you leave, ask yourself one thing: Would you step onboard an airplane knowing that the pilot didn't follow the procedures or used the checklists?