collecting data

Shipping and Operational Deceit

Shipping and Operational Deceit

Compliancewashing is the deliberate process of persuading a person or organisation that procedures are being followed according to company policy. Seafarer's do this but don't realise the danger they put themselves in because of it.
2 min read
The All-Seer Is Now Listening Too

The All-Seer Is Now Listening Too

AI model called Heimdall is designed to listen to incoming calls from all of the Swedish radio towers simultaneously and help Swedish Joint Rescue Coordination Center to come to the aid when it's needed the most
2 min read
Packing your own parachute

Packing your own parachute

Proactive management in shipping and crews involvement in procedure development might improve reliability of data and usage of checklists.
2 min read
Blunt pencils, numb minds

Blunt pencils, numb minds

Maranics offers the life vest for those in maritime industry who doesn't want to be lost in the sea of paperwork.
2 min read